I grew up in a broken home immersed in diverse beliefs, from Roman Catholic teachings, exploring new age practices and Wicca to delving into tea leaf readings and psychics. From Jewish grandparents, I heard many reasons why Jesus wasn't the Messiah. Amidst this backdrop, I learned a little about God and Jesus at a small Congregational church built by Puritans with my grandmother and father during weekend visitations. As a young child, this belief system was a lifeline I clung to in tumultuous times, even though I couldn't fully grasp its depths.
Eventually my path led me through Catholicism as a teen to exploring multiple Christian denominations in my early twenties, and later embracing New Age beliefs in my late twenties. Frustrated by the instability and inconsistencies of my own beliefs, I called out to God in frustration. Just moments later God answered and I was introduced to my now-husband, a devoted Christian, who brought a newfound sense of stability to my life.
Initially, I entered the relationship hoping to be a supportive girlfriend yet planning to challenge and broaden his beliefs. However, much to my surprise, my curiosity about his unwavering faith and the Bible led me to discover answers to my deepest questions about God and Jesus, completely transforming me and reshaping my perspective.
Today, my faith in Christ stands stronger than ever, rooted in biblical truths that shape my understanding of God's character. I'm passionate about sharing this transformative knowledge with you and with Divine guidance, hopefully providing the answers to some of life’s questions you may not even know you’ve had.
Jesus said, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’” (Matt. 22:37). His words remind us that our love for God extends beyond our emotions, our feelings, and soul; it involves engaging our minds with rational and reasoned faith. As women, we can embrace the call to be diligent students of His Word, seeking wisdom and understanding in every verse.
This space is for all women from all backgrounds, no matter what you believe.
I’m no expert in the Bible or theology and I’ll be first to admit my quirks and struggles, but my heart is filled with a genuine thirst for understanding God's Word and embracing His will for my life. I invite you to join me on this journey to learn more about the Christian perspective and worldview, in hope that we all grow together in His Grace and wisdom, as He sees fit.
Together we can delve into the depths of culture, faith, and grow in the wisdom that comes from God's Word.
Welcome to a SeeUunday where diverse backgrounds converge, guided by Grace, grounded in Truth.
How SeeUSunday Got Its Name
When I had this idea to start a blog website and ministry, which actually ruminated for awhile in my heart and mind before I actually leapt and bought the domain, the name “SeeUSunday” sort of just popped into my mind.
At first, I wasn’t sure I was settled on it and I wasn’t sure if it would come across as anything more than sounding legalistic in nature. I embrace the timeless truth that the Sabbath can be celebrated on any day of the week, as we prioritize the essence of rest, reflection, and spiritual connection over legalistic adherence to a specific day. But I was concerned some Christian sisters might see this as a nod to Sundays being the only day acceptable to attend church and practice the Sabbath day.
But the more I’ve put into this ministry with this name, the more the meaning of it has deepened for me.
On a surface personal level, I hold some fond memories of Sundays as a child. My parents were separated and my paternal grandmother would have me at her house for visits every other weekend. Many times these weekends would be also spent with my dad, but he was in and out over the years, and with my great-grandmother who my grandma cared for. On Sundays, we would all walk next door to a small chapel built in the 1600s by the puritans, sing hymns, hear scripture and then return home for Sunday dinner usually with the pastor over. These are special memories for me that I will cherish always.
On a biblical level, Sunday holds a profound significance as the day of rest, the Sabbath, as I mentioned above. It’s a day to pause from our worldly efforts and turn our hearts towards God. Just as God rested on the seventh day after creating the heavens and the earth, we too are gifted and called to find rest, peace, and communion with our Creator. SeeUSunday is not just about observing the Sabbath day, but about truly "seeing" and recognizing God’s divine presence in our lives, and within each other as believers.
Biblically, Sunday also carries an extraordinary significance as the day of Christ's triumphant resurrection from the dead. On this glorious day over 2,000 years ago, the world witnessed the profound miracle of Jesus overcoming death, offering hope and eternal life to all who simply believe in Him. The resurrection of Jesus Christ on that blessed Sunday morning serves as a timeless reminder of God's boundless love and the promise of redemption and salvation.
At SeeUSunday, I cherish Jesus’ resurrection as a cornerstone of our faith, recognizing that through Christ's resurrection, we are granted the opportunity to experience spiritual rebirth and transformation. Sunday, the day of resurrection, symbolizes a new beginning, a chance to rise above our past, and embrace the grace and forgiveness that flows from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
Let us walk hand in hand, guided by the light of God's Word, as we navigate the complexities of life and strive to be the salt and light of the world. Together, we set out on this humble and biblically inspired journey, seeking to better understand our holy God, ourselves, each other, and the boundless love and mercy that surrounds us.
Welcome to SeeUsunday, where hearts are softened, minds are engaged and seek Truth with rationality, where thoughtful exploration of the sacred teachings enables us to grow spiritually and deepen our understanding of God and the Spirit of unity and fellowship prevails. May this virtual sanctuary be a place of inspiration and spiritual rejuvenation for all.